For many Canadians, Recreation Vehicles (RVs) are a convenient way to travel and enjoy the outdoors while providing some of the comforts of home.  For others, it is more than a way to travel; it is a way of life.  Given this, it is no surprise that Recreation Vehicles have a significant impact on the Canadian economy.

While manufactures and dealers contribute significantly to the total, a majority of the contribution occurs after the initial RV purchase.  More specifically, expenditures associated with RV ownership and use account for 89% of the total value added to the Canadian economy.  The study revealed that approximately 2.1 million (or 14% of) Canadian households own an RV. This is up approximately 3% since 2019.

The economic activity generated by the RV industry is considerable and multi‐faceted including everything from the manufacturing, sales and service of RVs to expenditures to use, store, maintain and travel in RVs.  In total, the RV sector generated an estimated 104,200 jobs and delivered $12.0 billion in added value to the Canadian economy from an initial expenditure of $14.3 billion in 2022.

The Canadian Recreational Vehicle Association (“CRVA”) works hand-in-hand with the RVDA of Canada, and agencies Transport Canada, the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Branch, Departments of Travel and Tourism and Canadian Campground Owners Associations. in areas of mutual concern,

CRVA joins representatives from the RVDA of Canada and the Canadian Camping and RV Association each April to meet with Federal Members of Parliament and policy makers during the RV and Camping Industry Lobby Day.


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