Protecting you and your investment
The Canadian Recreational Vehicle Association (“CRVA”) is a Canadian not-for-profit organization in existence for over 50 years. CRVA works closely with the RV Industry Association and accredited companies to develop the standards and codes designed specifically for Recreational Vehicles with a mandate to ensure that professional standards are maintained in the best interests of the consumer.
The CRVA is comprised of leading RV Manufacturers and Component Suppliers in addition to services such as marketing, media, insurance, and financial organizations specializing in the RV industry. CRVA draws on this wealth of experience and technical know-how to keep abreast of current trends and technical improvements by constantly reviewing design concepts and manufacturing advances.
CRVA works hand-in-hand with its industry partners the Recreational Vehicle Dealers Association of Canada, Go RVing Canada and the Canadian Camping and RV Association along with Transport Canada, the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Branch, and Departments of Travel and Tourism to provide advocacy on behalf of its stakeholders.